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November 2015 DRAFT Minutes
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission
November 05, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Joan Gorga, Sam Harding, Peter Lamb and Isaac Lombard
Recreation Director:  Celeste Lunetta
Grapevine Representatives:  Lisa Hennessy and Melissa Gallagher
The minutes from the October 7, 2015 meeting were approved as amended.
Recreation Department
Before and After School Clubs.  Lisa and Melissa explained that the state has different licensure requirements for municipal recreation programs and for childcare providers.  Recreation programs are exempt from certain licensure accreditation requirements that childcare providers must meet.  In September, the State of NH Child Care Bureau informed the Grapevine that the BASC, which has been run as a partnership between the Recreation Department and the Grapevine and serves approximately 26 children, did not meet the guidelines for a recreation program, and thus was no longer exempt from licensing.  At this time, the Grapevine is not prepared to make the required commitment of time and resources to license the program.  For the program to be exempt, the Rec Department must administer the program, including hiring and paying employees.  
Antrim Recreation Director Celeste Lunetta, Grapevine Interim Executive Director Melissa Gallagher and Before & After School Club Coordinator Lisa Hennessey worked out a detailed proposal in which the Recreation Department will operate the BASC.  The BASC staff will remain the same, but will become Town of Antrim employees for the BASC hours they work.  The Grapevine will reimburse the Town for all costs.  BASC youth will be offered additional recreational opportunities, as well as the opportunity to participate in programs already offered by the Rec Department during BASC program times.  The Parks and Recreation Commission voted unanimously to endorse accepting the BASC as a Recreation Department program to be sponsored by the Grapevine, as outlined in their proposal. The Recreation Department will operate the BASC for a trial period of two years, with a preliminary review in June 2016.   
Department Budget.  Celeste submitted a budget essentially the same as last year.  The budget meeting is scheduled for November 9.  
Shea Field
Lights.  MUSCO took light readings on the two playing fields.  They will make some adjustments and install extended visors over those lamps that appear to shine the most light toward West Street.  The visors will be shipped and installed within the next two weeks.  USI completed the fence repair.  The electric bill for the first month of use was $123.  Lacrosse, played under the lights, brought in $250.  Celeste will set up training for remote control of the lights and will order pads for the light bases.  Pete requested updated costs for spring.  Only one person has complained about the lights, and there has been a lot of really positive feedback, including one person who said they moved to Antrim because of the lights on the athletic field.  
Maintenance.  Deep tine aeration should be completed this fall.  The cost of $1500 will be paid for out of the facility and equipment maintenance budget.
CVYSA.  Although there does not appear to be much northern-town involvement, Celeste is cooperating with the CVYSA, and may direct spillover from our basketball teams to CVYSA teams.  
Memorial Park
Signs.  Isaac and Celeste will laminate signs that have been made.
Tree Removal.  Donna Hanson said the town has only $2000 remaining in the tree-removal budget, and those funds may need to be used for a new Grapevine roof.  We still have some funds in our facilities budget, which could also be used.  Although it might be cheaper to remove all the struggling pine trees at once, the commission decided that it would be more judicious to remove just the five dead trees in Cram Grove at this time.
Culverts.  Celeste has called two other companies for quotes.  Jim Plourde has priced the Highway Department buying the culverts, even though they are not able to do the job.  As other quotes come in, we can see whether that will be an option.  The funding appropriation for Memorial Park passed by Town Meeting in 2014 does not expire until December 31, 2019.
Town Gym
Update.  The basketball schedule needs to be clarified.  ConVal repaired the basketball hoops.  A crack has formed in one of the inside windows.  

Gregg Lake
Beach/Boat Launch Issues.  The doors on the beach house are deteriorating rapidly.  This might be a good year to plan to repair them.
Joan contacted the Division of Environmental Services regarding the apparent algal bloom in Gregg Lake this summer.  They suggested that high water temperatures are not likely to be the sole cause of such a bloom.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 10th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary